Wear 'amofit S' for 30 minutes per day. Restore your body and mind to their original, natural state in just a few days.
amofit S involves in restoring the autonomic balance using low-frequency electromagnetic field signals. It rapidly improves insomnia and anxiety as well as stabilizing heart rate and respiration rate and reducing stress levels.
This device is a consumer wellness product that induces relaxation in the nervous system and is used during daytime or before bed to help maintain stable brain waves and autonomic nervous system activities, thereby restoring the balance of the bodily state.
'amofit S' provides two healing modes. After powering on the device, you can switch from CALM mode to FOCUS mode by pressing the touch area. CALM mode can increase the vagal tone and activate the parasympathetic nervous system to improve sleep, stress, and anxiety and correct the body's internal balance, as well as help with chronic diseases related to problems in the vagus nerve and the autonomic nervous system. FOCUS mode can enhance memory and creativity by increasing alpha brain waves.
Attach the device to your collar using the clip on the back of the device or wear it like a necklace around your neck. This simple, sophisticated device will improve your dignity.